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Trap Primers with Vacuum Breaker and Fittings

Trap Primers with Vacuum Breaker and Fittings



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List price: List price: $106.80
GoSource price: GoSource price: $90.19
List price: List price: $106.80




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Product Description

    VBF-72-A Vacuum Breaker Trap Primer. The Sloan VBF-72-A Vacuum Breaker Trap Primer provides for a constant water seal in floor drains. Maintaining a trap seal prevents objectionable sewer gases from escaping into the air. Each time the Sloan Flushometer is activated, a small amount of water is diverted to the floor drain (piping from Trap Primer to floor drain not supplied by Sloan). The VBF-72-A uses a patented Water Deflector that carefully regulates the amount of water diverted to the drain. This makes the VBF-72-A specially suited for use with both 1.6 gpf (6.0 Lpf) Low Consumption and 3.5 gpf (13.2 Lpf) Water Saver Flushometers.
  • VBF-72-A1 Supplied with Royal® Flushometers

  • Warranty and Product Information

    • Approved for Commercial Use
    • Yes
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